Vegetarian Ideal

Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.

- Albert Einstein

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Beware: Magpies on the swoop across WA | The Australian

Magpie attack
GOTCHA: A woman is attacked by a swooping magpie in NSW. Picture: John Grainger Source: The Daily Telegraph

BEWARE: It's that time of the year again when swooping magpies become a menace across WA. 
The Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) is reminding people to be on alert for swooping magpies, after  several reports of magpies displaying aggressive behaviour towards people.

DEC South West Region wildlife officer Pia Courtis said magpies were most active at this time of year.

“We expect that the number of calls from concerned residents who encounter an aggressive magpie will rise sharply as we approach summer,” she said.

“Male magpies are territorial and may swoop at people if they think their nest or offspring are being threatened but they are only doing what comes naturally to them when defending their young ones.

“Tall trees in the suburbs provide the perfect environment for magpie nests and the best way to avoid being swooped is to find an alternative way of passing their breeding sites for the six to eight weeks that magpies usually defend their nest.

“We also encourage people to protect themselves by wearing a broad-brimmed hat and sunglasses to conceal their face and eyes.

“People should not look towards swooping magpies and they should ensure that children do not throw rocks or sticks at the birds, as this will only exacerbate their attacks.

“If you are riding a bike and you are swooped, consider attaching cable ties to your helmet as a deterrent or even dismount and walk your bike through the area. You may find you will not be swooped if you walk.”

If magpies pose a serious safety risk to people, a dangerous fauna licence may be issued to remove the offending bird.

If you are concerned about aggressive magpies in your area, contact DEC's Wildcare Helpline on 9474 9055 or your nearest DEC office.

Beware: Magpies on the swoop across WA | The Australian


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