Vegetarian Ideal

Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.

- Albert Einstein

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Blogger: Cult of the Green Iguana - Edit post

 IT'S that time of year again, when walking through certain parts of Warwick means constantly checking over your shoulder for a surprise attack.
 Magpie season is now upon us, with a warning to all Southern Downs residents to be wary of the birds.
Nicholas Falconer

 Warwick is in Australia......

IT'S that time of year again, when walking through certain parts of Warwick means constantly checking over your shoulder for a surprise attack.

Yes, it's magpie breeding season, and there are already reports of protective fathers making it known to passers-by.

Wildlife ranger Jeff Hayter said unless a bird was particularly aggressive, swooping only lasted around six weeks.

"Ninety-eight per cent of the time it is the male and he is just trying to be a good dad and protect his chicks and in a majority of cases there are things people can do to co-exist with the birds," he said.

"Sometimes you see a particularly persistent bird or one who is causing injury and in that case it is justified to have the bird trapped and relocated."

Mr Hayter said some magpies were particularly aggressive to people exhibiting a certain type of behaviour.

"Some birds will target people on bikes for instance but will not bother people who are out walking," he said.

"If you see that, it's easy and you just know to hop off your bike and walk in that area and they should leave you alone.

"If there are birds on your property, it can help to carry an umbrella or a big hat when you head outside to hang washing or check the mail."

Another suggested deterrent for cyclists is to have a number of zip ties protruding from the top of a bike helmet. It is understood this prevents the birds from having a clear runway on which to make their attack.

Mr Hayter said if magpies are swooping at least 1m away from people, the birds are unlikely to change their behaviour unless provoked and urged people to simply leave them alone.

Magpie hotspots
  •  Bourke and Grafton Sts
  •  Dragon St
  •  Australiana and Victoria Parks
  •  Bacon factory
  •  Palmerin and Locke Sts
  •  Diery St


Breeding time has birds in a flap | Warwick Environment | Environmental News in Warwick | Warwick Daily News

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